Mar 8Liked by Paul Embery

I was for years an active anti-fascist who believed in the NF not having the right to free speech. However, these days I’m almost a free speech absolutist with the exception of incitement to violence. I’m not even in favour of the libel laws given that only the very rich can take advantage of them and they’re frequently abused by the very rich to frustrate free speech.

The problem is very basic. Who decides what is acceptable and what is unacceptable? Whoever decides will end up censoring those that they disagree with.

My reasoning

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Mar 8Liked by Paul Embery

I agree. It was a ridiculous sentence from a totally ridiculous judiciary. How can we have any faith in our legal system? Especially as Assange is still in jail. Spineless judges.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 12Liked by Paul Embery

I think you have summed up the case pretty well. Personally, I would like to know more about this one, but on the face of it it does seem an alarming case.

It also seems to “move the law on”. I always understood legally only inciting violence was prohibited. If you steered clear of that then the law ensured your free space.

Now it seems hurting somebody’s feelings is enough. I feel this is the danger with the righteous wrath we are experiencing over the pro-Palestine demonstrations in London, that anyone who hasn’t lived beneath a rock since the 7th Oct 2024 must know about.

To condemn Israel (and in fairness one should also excoriate Hamas) is not of itself to be anti-Semitic. Now, I am sure there are plenty of people on those demos who actually ARE antisemitic, but we seem to be galloping towards a position where not subscribing to the current philosophies is to court legal sanction.

I think it was Voltaire who said “I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it!” Now it’s “I disagree with what you say and feel insulted. You must be sanctioned for that.”

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Every one of his stickers is true, and at one time the left would've agreed that mass immigration is harmful to the White working class - and the environment.

Sam is a normal person who's concerned that our country is becoming unrecognisable with White people being discrimitated against for having an ingroup preference - something every other group does without any condemnation.

But thanks for sticking up for him Paul.

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I am worried about my children and grandchildren


Look at Kriss Donald a 15 year old boy murdered, Hardly no media coverage.

Not a household name.

His mum not in the house of lords

God bless Sam Melia

Hopefully Noah will bring his ark and rescue us

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The racist crime was well covered in Scotland, where it took place, they were tried and found guilty of a racial murder.

Are you from another part in Britain? Perhaps you should take issue as to why other parts of the country didn't cover it. Was it because he was Scottish?

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Agree. If we must become fascist in our methods to defeat the fascists... they win.

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Shocking and disgusting. I saw a Communist Party sticker on a bus stop in Surrey yesterday, would this evil judge think that's OK??

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

How can facts appall you? We will be a minority in our homelands before too long. It’s so obvious that a child could see it. But everyone, you included, would rather keep their own ego intact that call out the truth

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Whilst I sincerely appreciate your defence of free speech, I cannot understand why Sam's nationalist views would be so anathema to you, an ethnic Englishman and a patriot who professes to care about the interests of the indigenous working-classes. Our people are set to become a minority in our own ancestral homeland against our will within a few decades, our native Anglo-Celtic cultures are being subsumed by an incongruous and ugly multiculturalism, and anti-White racism is tacitly allowed by the liberal clerisy to facilitate our destruction as a distinct group.

Never before has there been a more important time to take a stand, to nail our colours to the mast and to advocate in the interests of native Britons.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 19
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Removed (Banned)Mar 19
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I'm not 'defending' his actions. I'm saying that he should not have been sent to prison for them.

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